The Surprising Psychological Benefits of Music

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Experiment and feel free to try more upbeat songs as well. Some people prefer to fall asleep to fast tempo beats, while others find classical music to be the best. We’re all different, so please feel free to explore and do what works best for you.

Listening to relaxing music after surgery improves patient recovery. It also makes this critical time a bit more pleasant and less stressful. It’s a remarkable finding, but an article in Psychology Todayexplains that relaxing music lessens a person’s sensation of pain, produces endorphins, and even strengthens our immune system. There’s even some evidence that binaural beats can have more than mental health effects. Some data indicates they may even be effective at managing tinnitus . And when researchers in Richmond, Virginia, requested 36 adults with chronic pain to listen to two recordings of binaural beats for 20 minutes each day for 2 weeks, 77 percent felt their pain lessened.

Relaxing music optimizes our cognitive processes.We concentrate and process information better, and retain new information more quickly and efficiently. As we said, our brain loves balanced, harmonic musical stimulation. There are actually frequencies that can help our brain work better. After just 10 minutes, she became relaxed enough to better tolerate her pain. However, they might offer an auditory escape for those interested in relaxing, sleeping more peacefully, or entering a meditative state.

You focus on what you experience during meditation, such as the flow of your breath. Meditation originally was meant to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. These days, meditation is commonly used for relaxation and stress reduction. While 20 minutes is a good minimum time for music medication, even one song can help reduce stress and restore energy.

In this type of meditation, you silently repeat a calming word, thought or phrase to prevent distracting thoughts. Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. You can time your practice with the number of songs you choose so you don’t have to worry if you are taking more time than you have.

In one study, adults who listened to 45 minutes of music before going to sleep reported having better sleep quality beginning on the very first night. Even more encouraging is that this benefit appears to have a cumulative effect with study participants reporting better sleep the more often they incorporated music into their nightly routine. While it may get more credit for inspiring people to dance, it also offers a simple way to improve sleep hygiene, improving your ability to fall asleep quickly and feel more rested.

The ideal tempo for workout music is somewhere between 125 and 140 beats per minute. Other participants listened to music but were not directed to become happier intentionally. When participants were later asked to describe their own levels of happiness, those who had intentionally tried to improve their moods reported feeling happier after just two weeks. Another study found that intentionally trying to boost moods by listening to positive music could have an impact within two weeks. Participants were instructed to purposefully attempt to improve their mood by listening to positive music each day for two weeks.

So it's Healing Music easier for you to be mentally sharper, happier, and more productive. Brain scans show that their brains are different than those of non-musicians. Let’s take a closer look at some of the latest findings about the ways music can enhance the health and function of the brain. And the evidence is in — music activates every part of the brain.

This happens when a subsystem of the brain called the default mode networkis active. Although it normally results in anxious and stressful thoughts, evolutionarily it offers great benefits. We spend much of our time ruminating on past events to learn from what went wrong, and we think about future events in order to prepare for them. Music forces us to take a present-centered perspective on reality in order to engage with it. Whether it’s Debussy or deep house, in order to perceive a musical piece we have to follow each beat or note as it happens in real time. This sense of being present feels good; not being present can even make us unhappy.

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